The Future of AI: Democratization or Consolidation?

By Patrick Wilson

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, there is a growing concern that AI could be used to consolidate power in the hands of the 1%, while the rest of us are left behind.

One of the biggest concerns about AI is that it could be used to automate jobs, leading to mass unemployment. This is already happening in some industries, and it is likely to become more widespread. If the 1% are the only ones who have access to AI, they will be the only ones who benefit from this automation. The rest of us will be left behind, without jobs and without the means to support ourselves.

Another concern is that AI could be used to track and monitor our online activity. This could give the 1% a greater degree of control over our lives. For example, they could use this information to target us with advertising, or to influence our political views.

Finally, there is a concern that AI could be used to develop new weapons. These weapons could be used to oppress the masses. Think drones.

In order to prevent these scenarios from becoming a reality, we need to democratize AI. This means making sure that everyone has access to AI, regardless of their background or financial resources. We also need to develop new technologies that can make AI more transparent and accountable.

There are a number of things that we can do to democratize AI. We can make AI education more accessible, support open-source AI projects, and demand that corporations and governments make their AI systems more transparent.

We need to be careful not to create a new digital divide, where the people who have access to AI are the ones who benefit from it, and the people who don’t have access are left behind. We can create a future where AI is used to benefit everyone, not just the 1%.


** This piece was created with the help of ai.