‘They Run on Shrinking the Vote’: Tens of Millions Threatened by GOP Attack on Voting

‘They Run on Shrinking the Vote’: Tens of Millions Threatened by GOP Attack on Voting

Democrats can eliminate the filibuster to pass legislation to stop voter suppression, said journalist Ari Berman, “or they can allow [the] GOP to undermine democracy for the next decade.”

By Kenny Stancil

More than 250 voter suppression bills have been introduced this year by Republican lawmakers in 43 states, and a new analysis shows that the GOP’s ongoing nationwide assault on the franchise threatens to restrict ballot access for tens of millions of Americans.

In what could amount to the most significant attack on voting rights since the post-Reconstruction era, when Southern states disenfranchised Black citizens as well as many poor white ones, Republican lawmakers in dozens of states across the U.S. have proposed at least 253 laws that would “limit mail, early in-person, and Election Day voting with such constraints as stricter ID requirements, limited hours, or narrower eligibility to vote absentee,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

According to the Post:

Limits to early or absentee voting are the most common measures among this year’s batch of proposed restrictions, with such bills on the table in 33 states. Nearly 85 million voters used one of those methods to cast their ballots in those states last year—more than half of all Americans who voted in the Nov. 3 election.

And the new proposals could do more than rein in early and mail voting. Like squeezing a balloon, the measures could dramatically shift voting to Election Day. That has raised alarm among voting rights advocates that the 2022 midterm elections and 2024 presidential contest could be marred by catastrophically long waits to vote—particularly in big cities, where lines are already a common hurdle for millions of Americans.

“Long lines are going to be the story of 2022 unless something is done,” said Democratic elections lawyer Marc Elias, who said he is preparing for a “busy year” of litigation if these laws are enacted. “We have to recognize early on in this next election cycle that this is now the defining feature of the Republican Party, in competitive states and uncompetitive states. In red states and blue states. They don’t run on economic issues, or even social issues. They run on shrinking the vote.”

The Post’s analysis is based on data gathered as of February 19 by the Brennan Center for Justice. Since then, even more bills intended to make voting more difficult—particularly for communities of color and other Democratic-leaning constituencies—have been introduced. Just this week, one such bill was advanced in Georgia by the Republican-controlled state Senate, while Iowa’s Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill that curbs early voting.

Mother Jones journalist Ari Berman, a voting rights expert, has argued that in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s failed attempt to reverse the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, state-level Republicans are “weaponizing Trump’s lies” about fraud in an attempt to roll back voting rights following last year’s historic turnout.

“Passing the For the People Act through the Senate is the first—and best—line of defense against this effort by Republicans to keep millions of Americans from voting in future elections.”
—Repair Our Democracy

In a report released earlier this year, the Brennan Center also emphasized that “these bills are an unmistakable response to the unfounded and dangerous lies about fraud that followed the 2020 election.”

But according to Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent: “The GOP’s escalation of voter suppression isn’t just a response to their loss. It should also be seen as a revanchist effort to strangle the ambitious—and popular—agenda that Democrats are undertaking to rescue the country from two of its biggest crises of the modern era.”

“It’s no accident that the GOP’s redoubled anti-democratic and anti-majoritarian efforts have come even as President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion rescue package is winning the support of large popular majorities,” Sargent added. “Indeed, for Republicans, the broad popularity of Biden’s first big move is itself arguably making their plunge into anti-democratic radicalization more urgent.”

While the GOP has attempted to justify its increasingly extreme voter suppression push by appealing to the need to strenghten “election integrity”—even though Biden’s victory came in an election the federal government’s top cybersecurity official called “the most secure in American history”—right-wing figures have on more than one occassion admitted the real reason they are opposed to making voting more accessible is because doing so hurts Republicans’ electoral chances.

“If we don’t do something about voting by mail, we’re going to lose the ability to elect a Republican in this country,” Trump ally Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News host Sean Hannity last November.

Last week, an attorney representing the Arizona Republican Party told ultra-conservative Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett that the GOP wanted to uphold a discriminatory state law throwing out ballots cast in the wrong precinct because counting those votes would put “us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats.”

On Thursday, Arizona state Rep. John Kavanagh (R-23) said that “there’s a fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans.”

“Democrats value as many people as possible voting, and they’re willing to risk fraud,” said Kavanagh. “Republicans are more concerned about fraud, so we don’t mind putting security measures in that won’t let everybody vote—but everybody shouldn’t be voting.”

As Common Dreams noted last month regarding the GOP’s post-2020 assault on voting rights, some of the proposals, including a bill under consideration in Arizona, would empower state legislatures to overturn election results.

Berman has called Republican lawmakers’ well-coordinated campaign to curtail voting rights and undermine the popular will “a huge scandal that should be getting as much attention as Trump’s plot to overturn the election.”

In response to the surge of GOP-sponsored anti-democracy bills, Biden last week signed an executive order promoting access to the polls. 

And without the support of a single Republican, the Democratic-controlled House passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a sweeping set of popular pro-democracy reforms.

Congress “has the legal and constitutional power to… stop [Republicans’] voter suppresion laws, cold,” Michael Waldman, president of the Brennan Center, wrote earlier this week. “What it needs is the political will.”

Voting rights advocates say that unless Senate Democrats abolish the filibuster, an anti-democratic tool currently allowing the Republican minority to block the enactment of popular legislation, the For the People Act is unlikely to be passed by the upper chamber. 

“Congress has the authority and the opportunity to end this assault on our democracy,” Repair Our Democracy said in a statement released Thursday.

“Each new voter restriction bill that’s proposed in a statehouse or signed into law by a governor increases the urgency for federal lawmakers to address this crisis,” the advocacy group added. “Passing the For the People Act through the Senate is the first—and best—line of defense against this effort by Republicans to keep millions of Americans from voting in future elections.”

Source: ‘They Run on Shrinking the Vote’: Tens of Millions Threatened by GOP Attack on Voting | Common Dreams News




‘Bad Policy and Bad Politics’: Manchin Is Trying to Cut Unemployment Benefits, Limit Survival Checks in Covid Relief Bill 

‘Bad Policy and Bad Politics’: Manchin Is Trying to Cut Unemployment Benefits, Limit Survival Checks in Covid Relief Bill

“Cutting UI from $400 to $300 or reducing checks will cause a full blown revolt from progressives.”

by Jake Johnson

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and other conservative members of the Senate Democratic caucus are reportedly pressing for changes to the emerging coronavirus relief legislation that would cut the bill’s proposed weekly unemployment supplement and further restrict eligibility for $1,400 direct payments.

The $1.9 trillion relief measure approved by the House of Representatives late last week proposes extending emergency unemployment insurance (UI) programs through the end of August with a weekly federal supplement of $400, up from the current $300-per-week boost that is set to begin expiring on March 14.

“Further ‘targeting’ or ‘tightening’ eligibility means taking survival checks away from millions of families who got them last time. That’s bad policy and bad politics too.”
—Rep. Pramila Jayapal

But as Roll Call reported late Monday after conservative Democrats met virtually with President Joe Biden to discuss the relief package, Manchin “said he’d prefer to see a $300 benefit in response to criticism that some laid-off workers could end up making more money on unemployment than they would on the job”—a right-wing talking point that Republicans have deployed in their efforts to slash UI benefits.

“We’re just looking for a targeted bill,” said Manchin, whose support Democrats need to pass the so-called American Rescue Plan (ARP) without any Republican votes.

According to the Washington Post, Manchin and other conservative Democrats also pitched “tightening income eligibility for the $1,400 stimulus payments,” a demand that House Democrats rejected in their legislation.

The House-passed relief bill calls for sending full $1,400 payments to individuals earning up to $75,000 per year and married couples earning up to $150,000 per year, with the payments gradually phasing out thereafter—an eligibility structure that resembles the one used for the previous two rounds of checks.

Despite warnings that doing so would be politically “suicidal,” Biden has previously said he would be open to lowering the income cutoff for the direct payments.

Noting that progressive lawmakers are already furious over Senate Democrats’ plans to move forward with a relief bill that excludes a minimum wage increase—pointing to the parliamentarian’s advisory ruling against the provision—economist Arindrajit Dube cautioned that slashing UI benefits or imposing additional restrictions on eligibility for direct relief payments would “cause a full blown revolt from progressives.”

House Democrats, who did not have to contend with the Senate’s so-called Byrd Ruleincluded a provision to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 in their relief bill.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, warned late Monday that “further ‘targeting’ or ‘tightening’ eligibility means taking survival checks away from millions of families who got them last time.”

“That’s bad policy and bad politics too,” Jayapal tweeted.

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In Contrast to ‘Useless Republican Leaders,’ AOC Helps Raise $1 Million in Direct Relief for Texans in Crisis

In Contrast to ‘Useless Republican Leaders,’ AOC Helps Raise $1 Million in Direct Relief for Texans in Crisis

“AOC helped raise $1 million for Texas relief as Ted Cruz made his way back home from Cancún.”

By Jake Johnson

As Sen. Ted Cruz rushed back to Texas on Thursday after coming under fire for fleeing to Cancún while his constituents faced devastating power outages, water disruptions, and food shortages, an out-of-state Democratic lawmaker teamed up with a coalition of local organizations to raise money to provide direct relief for people in desperate need.

Announced on Twitter early Thursday evening by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the grassroots fundraising campaign brought in more than $1 million in a matter of hours—all of which, according to the New York Democrat, will go to The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, Ending Community Homeless Coalition (ECHO), Family Eldercare, Houston Food Bank, Feeding Texas, and other local groups assisting Texans during the ongoing emergency.

“Wow. We officially raised $1 million for Texas relief at 9:17 pm,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “Thank you all so much. I’m at a loss for words. Always in awe of movement work. 100% of this relief is going straight to Texan food assistance, homelessness relief, elder care, and more.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s use of her massive social media platform to raise relief funds was quickly contrasted with the actions of the state’s Republican leadership, which critics say has been missing in action throughout the emergency—with Cruz’s vacation trip to Mexico in the middle of the crisis serving as an illustrative example.

“Cruz is emblematic of what the Texas Republican Party and its leaders have become: weak, corrupt, inept, and self-serving politicians who don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to represent,” Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Texas Democratic Party, said in a statement Thursday. “They were elected by the people but have no interest or intent of doing their jobs.”


The New York Democrat’s relief push came as hundreds of thousands of Texans remained without power in the wake of Winter Storm Uri, which exposed the state government’s total failure to prepare the Texas electric grid for extreme weather. As the Washington Post‘s Will Englund put it earlier this week, “In the name of deregulation and free markets… Texas has created an electric grid that puts an emphasis on cheap prices over reliable service.”

The consequences of such an approach were almost immediately felt by millions of Texans as sweeping blackouts followed the historic storm’s arrival, which sent vulnerable families scrambling to stay warm and preserve their food and other essential supplies. The tens of thousands of Texans without homes were often left stranded in the freezing weather.

“For Texans who are already familiar with navigating disasters on their own with little help from the government, how local and city officials have responded to the storm so far is merely the latest chapter in a long pattern of neglect,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Tim Boyd, the then-mayor of Colorado City, Texas, wrote on Facebook earlier this week that “the City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!” Boyd later resigned amid backlash over his inhumane comments.

As some residents of his state resorted to burning their possessions for heat, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott—a major beneficiary of fossil fuel industry donations—appeared on Fox News late Tuesday and erroneously blamed wind and solar for the widespread outages.

While power was finally restored for nearly two million households on Thursday, an estimated 325,000 homes remained without electricity. Compounding the ongoing power crisis are food and water shortages brought on by the winter storm’s disruption of supply chains and frigid temperatures, which caused pipes to freeze and burst. Houston, the fourth largest U.S. city, will likely remain under a boil water advisory through the weekend as officials warned of possible contamination.

As The Texas Tribune reported Thursday, the power, food, and water crises—which come on top of the deadly coronavirus pandemic—have hit the state’s hospitals particularly hard.

“Hospitals canceled elective surgeries, waited days on delayed medication shipments, and are having to seek oxygen tanks from outside sources to meet a critical oxygen supply issue,” the Tribune reported. “While some issues like deliveries, water pressure, and power problems are starting to ease up for some, most in the affected areas are still experiencing challenges.”

Source: In Contrast to ‘Useless Republican Leaders,’ AOC Helps Raise $1 Million in Direct Relief for Texans in Crisis | Common Dreams News