Republicans Pull The Trigger on Women!

Republicans Pull The Trigger on Women!

By Patrick Wilson

A draft of the SCOTUS’ opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked Monday night. The brief was written in February and the decision will take effect in a couple of months. The draft opinion reverses the 1973 decision that guaranteed the federal protections of constitutional abortion rights as well as the 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that maintained the right.

Democratic Governors in 16 states have pledged to keep abortion legal in their states. Abortion could become banned or severely limited in 23 states as a result of this decision, and effect over 80 million women. President Biden has urged legislative action codifying Roe v. Wade, and leaders of both the House and the Senate have promised a vote. In order to accomplish this the Senate would need to get rid of the filibuster.

Protestors began gathering in Washington DC last night after the Supreme Court decision was leaked, their numbers are expected to grow through the week. “We need to brace for a future where more and more people are punished and criminalized for seeking and providing abortion care,” Mini Timmaraju, NARAL.

Overturning Roe v Wade is a huge step backward for women, who only got the right to vote ratified in 1920.

May Day – Boston – 2022

May Day – Boston – 2022

May Day will be celebrated on Sunday, May 1st in Boston with a Rally and a March begining at Boston Common at 1PM ET.

History of May Day

Pre-Christian cultures and some modern pagans celebrate May Day as the return to spring, which also coincides with agricultural calendars. The ancient celebrations included things like the Maypole and May-baskets. According to wikipedia: “In 1889, May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers’ Day by the socialists and communists of the Second International, as well as anarchists, labor activists, and leftists in general around the world, to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago and the struggle for an eight-hour working day.[4] International Workers’ Day is also called “May Day””. Ironically, it is celebrated more today in Europe than the United States.

Sunday’s event begins at the Common, in downtown Boston, at 1PM. People will assemble in the section of the Common right across from the Massachusetts State House. There will be a march that will visit multiple locations including: the Registry, JFK, City Hall, Crispus Attucks Hall and Starbucks. There may be speakers at some locations.

From the facebook event page.

Let’s unite together on May Day, International Workers Day, to celebrate the traditions of struggle by working people and the oppressed worldwide. Let’s celebrate the strikes of millions of farmers and workers of India. Let’s celebrate the victory of striking MNA nurses in Worcester, MA and the union organizing victory of warehouse workers at Amazon in Staten Island, NY. Workers at Starbucks in Boston are Unionizing! May Day is our day to address the climate and ecological emergency and to demand economic security and justice. Let’s stand together to resist the war machine, fight racism, and defend migrants’ rights. For climate justice, housing, healthcare, childcare, education, LGBT and women’s rights. Let’s usher in the spring with fresh energy, mobilizations, and direct action to spread the resistance and fight for a better world. Please contact:
Unámonos en la conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores el próximo primero de mayo del 2022. Tenemos mucho que celebrar, ya que el último año ha sido testigo de resistencias ejemplares a los patrones y sus gobiernos. Celebremos esta resistencia y unámonos de frente a los ataques que ciernen sobre las y los trabajadores, oprimidos y jóvenes, ya que aún falta mucho camino por recorrer para liberarnos de las guerras, explotación y opresión que el capital nos impone.
El coronavirus ha sido devastador, llevando el total de muertos en los EE.UU. a aproximar a un millón, un total que exceda ¡la suma de todas las guerras del siglo XX! Imperdonables fueron gran parte las pérdidas de vidas norteamericanas, ya que fue consecuencia de un sistema de salud debilitado en grado extremo, colmada con la campaña reaccionaria contra las vacunas y cubrebocas. Aparte, la violencia policiaca persiste contra las y los trabajadores y explotados, al par con las deportaciones de migrantes. A las mujeres se embisten con el asalto contra sus derechos reproductivos, a vez de que sus ingresos promedian menos que los hombres. La discriminación y violencia impera sobre las comunidades de diversidad sexual.
La maquinaria de guerra de EE.UU. continúa sembrando la muerte, y las sanciones impuestas por los guerreristas en Washington equivalen a actos de guerra contra muchos países. Los países de Europa tienen armas nucleares estadounidenses y proximadamente 100.000 soldados estadounidenses. La máquina de guerra y la clase multimillonaria continúan el cambio climático. Los fascistas cuentan con un público cautivo cada vez más amplio, mientras la policía les protege a vez de victimizar a quienes resisten. Sin embargo, hay resistencia. ¡Únase a nosotros el Primero de Mayo para celebrar nuestra resistencia colectiva!
Para más información:


The organizations are looking for volunteers to help out the day of and can be contacted at 

Current cosponsors:
Boston May Day Coalition
May Day Strike – Boston
Boston Labor Solidarity Committee
Massachusetts Peace Action
Boston Teachers Union
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Boston South Asian Coalition
Little Liberty
Natick Black Lives Matter
Rhode Island Black Lives Matter
FMLN – Massachusetts
Activate Radio
Battle First Aid Responder Services Inc
Green Rainbow Party – MA
Anarchist Black Cross – Boston
MA Standing Up for Racial Justice
Committee for Peace and Human Rights
Boston Area Assange Defense
Refuse Fascism
Chelsea Uniendose En Contra De La Guerra
Bay Staters
COS New England
Socialist Revolution – Boston
Veterans for Peace -Smedley Butler Brigade
July 26th Coalition
Coalition to Protect Workers Rights
Extinction Rebellion – Boston
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Malaya Movement MA
MA Not 4 Sale
Workers World Party – Boston
Moses Harris Committee
Justice Is Global
Industrial Workers of the World – Boston
New Democracy Coalition
Poor People’s Campaign
Independent Socialist Group




The Occupied Nation Show Monday, April 11th, 2022

The Occupied Nation Show Monday, April 11th, 2022

Host – Patrick Wilson

Co-Hosts – Rhodes Pierre and David Concepcion

We talk about Puerto Rico, Mid-Terms, Ukraine, Older Workers and more ..
The Occupied Nation Show airs on Activate Radio first on Monday Nights at 7PM ET.
Activate Radio –