VETERANS FOR PEACE SHOW Sunday, August 21st, 2022

VETERANS FOR PEACE SHOW Sunday, August 21st, 2022

Host – Joe Kebartas

The Veterans For Peace Show has been broadcast every week since Occupy Boston’s encampment in Dewey Square. Joe adds his slapstick humor to lighten some very serious subjects.

This week: Give Peace a Chance!!

The Veterans For Peace Show is on Activate Radio at 10 AM ET Every Sunday Morning!

Boston Remembers Sacco and Vanzetti

Boston Remembers Sacco and Vanzetti

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both anarchists and italian immigrants, were controversially convicted of two murders in a Braintree robbery that occurred in 1920. They were both executed on August 23rd, 1927, an event that set off protests and riots worldwide.

There look to be two parts to this event. At 2PM on Sunday there is a picnic with music, speakers and other performers at the Paul Revere Mall in the North End of Boston, off Hanover St.. Then 7PM Tuesday evening at Community Church of Boston Catherine Marenghi author of “Our Good Name” will be speaking, along with special guest Mike Dukakis(ZOOM). You can join in person at the Community Church or you can join on Youtube: .

There is a facebook event page:

The event is sponsored by; Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society, Community Church of Boston,
Boston May Day Committee, and Black Rose/Rose Negra Anarchist Federation.