Join with the Boston May Day Coalition, Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, and other organizations in the Green Wave Contingent. 

Saturday, October 8, 11:30 AM
Park Street T Station, Boston MA
Please wear Green. We will be marching up to the Statehouse for a rally. 
The Boston May Day Coalition calls on you to take a page from our sisters in Latin America who fought against their Conservative Catholic governments. They raised the Green Bandana of abortion rights and went into the streets again and again, growing in numbers and determination. Their struggle lasted years, their commitment was unstoppable, and their passion drove them on. They tore down the laws criminalizing abortion in several countries and continue fighting in many more. 
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion. This seismic crime against women, girls, and working people generally executed by the highest court in the planet’s most powerful country, sent shockwaves of fury and terror across this country, and gave fascists and autocrats around the world a gift of seeing that even in the USA, abortion rights are being rolled back.
The cruelty and arrogance of this Christian Nationalist court stripping away the constitutional rights of half of this country’s population must not be accepted! If one state is not free—then all states are not free—and if one woman is not free—all women are not free!
REMEMBER the 10-year-old girl who was raped… then forced to travel to get an abortion because she was 3 days past the 6 week cut off of a “heart beat bill.”
REMEMBER the woman who “felt like a walking coffin” after being forced to carry her dead fetus for two weeks because of Texas’s abortion ban.
Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement.
This must never be accepted. It must be relentlessly resisted, repudiated and reversed!
Yet, the Democratic Party and many in the pro-choice movement adjust to this “new normal” rather than call out the complete illegitimacy of putting women’s very lives up for a vote… they echo the Supreme Court which insisted that the only practical response to this assault is to “vote harder.”
We must face the truth: Voting and working for elections by itself will not stop this assault. 
What we need, what the times demand urgently, vitally, and most of all – is a mass movement of women and everyone who cares about justice. A movement in the streets with righteousness and with the determination to turn this whole trajectory around. This is our responsibility, and we must now rise up to this challenge.
Your righteous fury must be unleashed to fuel massive, society-wide, nonviolent but relentless sustained protest and resistance that grows, drawing in more and more people, compelling those in power to respond to our demand:
Legal Abortion Nationwide!
On the road to achieving
Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!

The Big Picture w/Melvin Syrie, Jr.: The Panther Party Network Friday, September 30th, 2022

The Big Picture w/Melvin Syrie, Jr.: The Panther Party Network Friday, September 30th, 2022

The Big Picture w/Melvin Syrie Jr. is a weekly show that airs on Friday Nights at 9PM ET on Activate Radio! The show covers a wide range of subjects but has a firm foundation in Civil Rights and the struggle of People Of Color across the Diaspora. 

This Week: Tonight I’ll be bringing some updates on previous tragedies that have been experienced by Melinated people. The families left to do nothing, but suffer the consequences of police brutality and AmeriKKKan injustice system. Until AmeriKKKa can right its wrongs…IT WILL NEVER BE GREAT!!!  This KKKountry has never truly tried to atone for its wrong doings. It has never made a conscious effort to do right by us and we are still suffering worse than ever.


VETERANS FOR PEACE SHOW Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

VETERANS FOR PEACE SHOW Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

Host – Joe Kebartas

The Veterans For Peace Show has been broadcast every week since Occupy Boston’s encampment in Dewey Square. Joe adds his slapstick humor to lighten some very serious subjects.

This week: Happy Birthday Occupy Boston!!!

The Veterans For Peace Show airs on Activate Radio at 10 AM ET Every Sunday Morning!