Red Sea on Edge: Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Houthi Attacks, US Diplomacy, and Iranian Shadows

Red Sea on Edge: Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Houthi Attacks, US Diplomacy, and Iranian Shadows

by Patrick Wilson

The Red Sea, once a shimmering symbol of global trade, has become a flashpoint of tension. Houthi rebels, a force that emerged from the shadows of Yemen’s civil war, have launched audacious attacks on ships traversing this vital waterway. But understanding the motivations and complexities behind these actions requires diving deeper than mere headlines.

Meet the Houthis: Rising from the Zaydi Shia Muslim community in northern Yemen, the Houthis gained prominence during the Arab Spring. In 2014, they seized control of the capital, Sanaa, plunging the country into a devastating civil war with a Saudi-led coalition. Accused of receiving Iranian support, the Houthis have become a significant player in the region’s geopolitical chessboard.

Why Red Sea Attacks? While the Houthis cite solidarity with Palestinians as a justification, analysts believe their motives are multifaceted. Disrupting shipping could pressure the Saudi-led coalition to ease its blockade on Yemen, showcase their growing military prowess, and garner international attention for their cause.

Beyond the Surface: The US, though not directly involved in the Yemeni conflict, has historically supported the Saudi-led coalition. However, concerns about civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis have led to a shift towards cautious diplomacy. The US now seeks a negotiated settlement and has even engaged in limited talks with the Houthis.

The Looming Shadow of Iran: Accusations of Iranian military aid to the Houthis cast a long shadow over the conflict. This alleged support, including weapons, training, and logistical assistance, likely stems from a confluence of factors. Iran views Saudi Arabia as a regional rival and sees the Houthis as a valuable proxy. Additionally, expanding Iranian influence in the Red Sea and potentially threatening Israeli shipping align with its strategic goals.

A Tangled Web: The Red Sea crisis isn’t merely a localized conflict. It’s a microcosm of the region’s intricate web of alliances, competing interests, and historical grievances. Navigating this turbulent landscape requires acknowledging the US-Houthi dynamic, deciphering Iran’s involvement, and recognizing the humanitarian cost of the ongoing war.

The Road Ahead: Finding a peaceful resolution remains an uphill battle. The international community must continue to push for a negotiated settlement while ensuring the safety of shipping in the Red Sea. Only through sustained diplomatic efforts, humanitarian aid, and a willingness to understand the complex tapestry of motives can the Red Sea regain its calm waters and resume its role as a vital artery of global trade.

** This piece was created with the help of ai.



by Mia Feroleto

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham, Alabama jail, April 16, 1963.

Long before October 7th , 2023 the world has watched genocide committed on the Palestinian people by the State of Israel accomplished with the financial support of America. Since that date, we have seen the death of 15,000 Palestinians, 8,000 of them who are children, and the total destruction and annihilation of their homes, hospitals and communities. We can no longer stand by and allow this to continue.

The plight of the Palestinians is our shared plight and is happening all around the globe to a greater or lesser degree. We can no longer allow ourselves to be complicit in these atrocities for we already have blood on our hands for doing too little or nothing for far too long going back to the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 when the United States stole their land from Indigenous People and committed genocide in the process, just as Israel is doing today.

Americans are being called to take action using the leverage and tools we have at our disposal. It is the 99% who provide the fuel for the privileged 1% and in the spirit of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the general strikes held in India during the time of British rule, it is time for Americans of all races, creeds and colors to refuse to go to work or spend a single dollar for one day, one week, one month, one year if necessary.

It is time for Americans to be willing to risk something. Lip service will not do. Worrying about voting for the lesser of two evils will not do. We must blow open the two party duopoly and invite a new group of candidates through the third party system to get involved in politics. Change cannot happen unless we force it forward. The path is there and we have been provided the inspiration needed by Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hammer and many, many others. Justice and morality are universal.

Supporting the military industrial complex instead of the needs of humanity will no longer be tolerated. In fact, as people, we want nothing to do with war and bloodshed. We want peace. We want a ceasefire in Gaza and for the Palestinians to be given their own land, their communities rebuilt, clean water, nutritious food, medical care and all the support they need to recover from this brutality.

During the 1930s and 40s the population of India was 350 million people, the same as in America today. 100,000 British controlled the population which is comparable to the combined total of political and corporate leaders in the United States. Without social media or the internet, the backs of the British were broken when Gandhi and his followers marched to the sea to make salt which was illegal under British law.

In 1950s Montgomery, Alabama, a young Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. using the teachings of Gandhi, organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott to demand the right for Blacks to sit at the front of the bus. After more than a year of boycotting city transportation and White businesses on Main Street, the buses in Montgomery were integrated. It is time for all of us to galvanize our energy and make a stand and simply say with all of our hearts, “NO MORE WAR! NO MORE GENOCIDE! NO MORE POVERTY! NOW!!!”

This information is the beginning of informing the public of our plans and will be updated as plans develop. We have less than six weeks to organize a national strike to end the current genocide in Gaza. Third party and Independent presidential candidates Dr. Jill Stein, Dr. Cornel West, Claudia de la Cruz have all been invited to participate in leadership rolls in this strike. Jill Stein has accepted and we are already mobilizing Pro-Palestinian groups around the country along with students, labor unions and everyday people like you and I.

“A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history.” Mahatma Gandhi

On January 17th , 2024, two days after the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birth, we are calling on everyone to stay home and not spend a single dollar on anything. Do not pay your bills. Be prepared. Have food in the house. Do not order a movie on Amazon. We will communicate our solidarity and will to protest through continual strikes and send our message loud and clear that we will no longer simply accept “business as usual.” We will begin 2024 empowered and ready.

Let America rise up from the historic coat of quick sand that encases all of us as a direct result of the actions of our government. Let us become the authentic role model we claim to be. The war machine is a cancer on our collective soul. It is time to remove it, once and for all.

For further information, please contact Mia Feroleto at

*Activate News is an online publication that tackles social justice, activism, and politics with a raw and unapologetic voice. The work here is not for the faint of heart, but it is always honest and thought-provoking. While Activate Media does not endorse all of the viewpoints expressed, we believe that it is important to provide a platform for diverse voices to be heard.

Understanding How Trauma Affects the Brain and the Role of Cannabis in Trauma Recovery

Understanding How Trauma Affects the Brain and the Role of Cannabis in Trauma Recovery

by Wendy Love Edge

Trauma can exert a profound impact on the brain, triggering various psychological and physiological responses. The brain processes trauma primarily in the following areas:

  • Amygdala: Responsible for processing emotions, especially fear and threat-related emotions, and activating the “fight or flight” response in trauma.

  • Hippocampus: Involved in memory consolidation, leading to fragmented or vivid traumatic memories and difficulty distinguishing past from present experiences in trauma.

  • Prefrontal Cortex: Regulates emotions, decision-making, and impulse control, with trauma potentially impairing these functions.

  • Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis: Key in the body’s stress response system, trauma can dysregulate it, leading to overproduction of stress hormones like cortisol.

  • Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC): Involved in processing emotional pain and regulating distressing emotions, trauma can cause hyperactivity here.

  • Brainstem and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Control vital functions like heart rate, respiration, and arousal levels, which can be disrupted by trauma.

  • Neuroplasticity: Trauma can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain, contributing to post-traumatic symptoms and long-term consequences.

It’s essential to recognize that the brain’s response to trauma varies among individuals, and not everyone experiencing trauma develops post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or related disorders. Nevertheless, comprehending how trauma affects the brain is crucial for effective treatments and interventions, such as brainspotting and mindfulness techniques. Seeking guidance from trauma-informed professionals, coaches, and mental health experts can provide invaluable support for trauma survivors.

The potential role of cannabis in improving trauma responses in the brain and body is a topic of interest. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) plays a pivotal role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood, stress response, immune function, and pain perception. Cannabis, with its phytocannabinoids like THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN, can interact with the ECS in several ways:

  • Modulation of Anxiety and Stress: CBD in cannabis has shown potential in reducing anxiety and stress responses by interacting with ECS receptors, possibly providing relief for trauma-related anxiety.

  • Emotional Regulation: The ECS’s role in regulating emotional responses may be influenced by cannabis, potentially aiding in managing trauma-related emotions.

  • Sleep Improvement: Cannabis strains with higher CBD content, along with CBN, may enhance sleep quality, offering relief from trauma-induced sleep disruptions.

  • Pain Management: Cannabis can provide pain relief for individuals with physical trauma or chronic pain related to traumatic experiences by engaging ECS receptors associated with pain perception.

Individual responses to cannabis can vary, depending on factors such as the strain and method of consumption. Consulting healthcare professionals knowledgeable about cannabis therapy and trauma is crucial to select appropriate strains, dosages, and consumption methods.

Cannabis should be considered as part of a holistic approach to trauma recovery, complementing evidence-based therapies like brainspotting, counseling, or psychotherapy. It can enhance alternative methods such as inner child work, shadow work, and Reiki when used appropriately.

In conclusion, trauma profoundly affects the brain’s ability to maintain homeostasis, but various treatments can aid in healing and creating new connections. Cannabis, with its potential to influence the endocannabinoid system and create homeostasis, may benefit individuals dealing with trauma-related issues when used in conjunction with other treatments like brainspotting. However, medicinal cannabis use for this purpose should always be guided by health and wellness professionals well-versed in cannabinoid medicine.

For more information and guidance, please visit our website: Edge Coaching and Consulting


Cannabis education, brainspotting, spiritual counseling, lifestyle coaching

Article republished with permisssion.

Source: Understanding How Trauma Affects the Brain and the Role of Cannabis in Trauma Recovery